Such an amazing weekend for KSW of Newmarket U.K.
A team of 54 went to the European championships and competed against over 1000 Kuk Sool Won™ competitors. The combined effort of our team meant that once again Newmarket was the highest performing part-time club and retained the 4th best club in Europe. Such an achievement meant that Kuk Sa Nim presented us with a 60th Anniversary sword!!! In addition to this, both Luke Morgan and Benjamin Randall receive grand champion trophies for each of their respective competitions which were also a fantastic achievement!
The clubs achievements did not end here. We also have six new JKN black Belts who are Danny Clark, John Andrews, Dan Hilsden, Barney Clark, Bailey Cameron and Logan Vidalet, as well as Karen Proud who promoted from JKN to KSN - well done all of you, both PSBN Nicola and I look forward to seeing you at the next class.
Enjoy your day off today Newmarket KSW, we will see you next class and can’t wait to hear of everyone’s accomplishments!
PKJN Scott and PSBN Nicola